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One Step at a Time fundraising walk - May 18th and 19th

One Step at A Time footstepsWalk to show your support for bereaved parents and siblings.

On May 18th and 19th take on a walking challenge, however big or small, it could be a 2k walk  around your park, a 10k walk with friends or a huge 50k in your local area. Whatever you take on you will be showing your support for bereaved parents and getting out in the fresh air while you raise funds for us. We ask you to raise as much as you can from your neighbours, friends, acquaintances, sports clubs or gym for our One Step at A Time fundraising campaign to ensure support for bereaved parents and siblings.

If you are a bereaved parent or sibling maybe you'd like to wear something in tribute to your child or attach a photo of them on your clothes.

We would love you to wear it on the day and post any selfies to #OneStepAtATime

If you would prefer to go on an organised walk we have a very limited number of places. These will be run by our walk facilitators but will not be supportive walks. Anyone is welcome, bereaved or not. Details can be found on the link.

Sign up here to receive your cap. One Step at A Time

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Each year thousands of parents suffer the loss of a son or a daughter. Please help us to support families in their time of greatest need.

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